University of Twente Student Theses


Prioritising Critical Success Factors of supply chain management in panelised construction : a case study

Meuleman, A.A. (2024) Prioritising Critical Success Factors of supply chain management in panelised construction : a case study.

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Abstract:Moving construction projects from on-site to off-site using prefabrication techniques offers numerous benefits like reduced build times and costs and a better controlled building environment. However, transitioning work off-site introduces operational changes, emphasizing design work and increasing customer involvement, particularly in panelised construction. This research focused on achieving effective supply chain management in panelised construction by identifying and evaluating Critical Success Factors (CSFs), as no existing CSFs were tailored to this method. A literature review identified relevant CSFs from other off-site construction methods, which were then assessed for relevance by experts. Supply chain management experts from the case company evaluated these CSFs using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. The expertise of these experts was also assessed to give more weight to those with higher expertise. The study produced a prioritised list of 21 CSFs specific to panelised construction, categorized into forecast capacity, communication and collaboration, robustness, adaptability, and sustainability. The findings revealed that, unlike other off-site construction methods where communication and collaboration are most beneficial, adaptability is the most crucial factor in panelised construction. Effective supply chain management requires extensive communication with external partners and early involvement of key stakeholders, but enhancing adaptability to changing conditions is essential for success.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Business Administration MSc (60644)
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