University of Twente Student Theses


Societal Acceptance of Abuse Through Controlling and Coercive Behaviour in Intimate Partner Relationships in Male and Female Victims

Müller, Beatrice (2024) Societal Acceptance of Abuse Through Controlling and Coercive Behaviour in Intimate Partner Relationships in Male and Female Victims.

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Abstract:This research investigates perceptions of controlling and coercive behaviour in heterosexual intimate partner relationships, with a focus on gender-based disparities. Homogenous peer group composition was hypothesised to predict higher acceptance of coercive control. Higher ambivalent sexist beliefs toward men and women, higher perceived ambivalent sexist beliefs of participants’ peers, and more personal experiences with emotional abuse and harassment were also hypothesised to predict higher acceptance of coercive control. A quantitative survey with two conditions, male-to-female perpetrated abuse, and female-to-male perpetrated abuse, was administered to 176 participants. Results showed higher acceptance rates for female-perpetrated controlling and coercive behaviour on male victims than for male-perpetrated controlling and coercive behaviour on female victims. Exploratory analyses investigated generational differences and showed lower acceptance rates of coercive control among older participants. There were significant correlations between higher acceptance rates, more personal experiences with abuse, higher sexism toward men and lower peer group sexism toward women, but they did not significantly predict acceptability. Peer group composition, personal and peer group sexism did not predict acceptance rates. This study highlights the gender biases in the perceptions of intimate partner violence, emphasising a normalisation of male victimisation and calling for further research and education on coercive control.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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