University of Twente Student Theses


Can We Reliably Measure Observational Privacy as a Dimension of Privacy in a Romanian and German Population and Explain Various Privacy-Related Behaviors?

Hochmann, Sophia (2024) Can We Reliably Measure Observational Privacy as a Dimension of Privacy in a Romanian and German Population and Explain Various Privacy-Related Behaviors?

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Abstract:The concept of observational privacy is about the individual's control over being observed by others and the distinction between people they allow to observe them in different situations and those they exclude. Humans show differences in their concerns about observational privacy threats and seem to value this intimacy diversely. Privacy is not yet empirically measured as a universal human value, but first research suggests that it could fit into Schwartz's (2017) framework as an additional universal human value. This survey study (N = 230) aimed to reliably measure observational privacy as a dimension of privacy within the framework proposed by Schwartz and colleagues (2017) in a German and Romanian population. Next, it aimed to find observational privacy as a distinct dimension of informational and social privacy. It also investigated whether observational privacy as a value relates to various privacy-related behaviors. Results indicate that observational privacy was reliably measured as a distinct dimension of privacy as a value in a Romanian and German population. In addition, the scale measuring observational privacy was partially validated. High scores on observational privacy as a value predicted some privacy-related behaviors. Observational privacy as a value was positively moderately correlated to the universal human value face and the dimensions of social and informational privacy.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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