University of Twente Student Theses


Identifying Incongruences due to Changes in Sustainable Experience Marketing in the Automotive Industry

Becker, Laurenz (2024) Identifying Incongruences due to Changes in Sustainable Experience Marketing in the Automotive Industry.

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Abstract:Sustainability is one of the key challenges in the automotive industry. This thesis analyses the effects, organisational identity, practice and knowledge (IPK) have on the implementation of sustainable activities in experience marketing. Based on interviews with seven marketing managers from automotive manufacturers incongruences between the IPK domains and possible solutions to overcome them have been described. The findings reveal significant incongruences between knowledge and practice, that can be addressed with a more structured management approach, e.g. by increasing knowledge via studies and defining measurable objectives. Incongruences have also been identified between knowledge and identity. Depending on market segments, sustainability measures are considered to have different levels of credibility, additionally the role of experience marketing to influence this is questioned. Between identity and practice economic considerations seem to be a main driver of questions regarding identity related activities. The results have practical value for automotive manufacturers who aim to further implement sustainability aspects into their experience marketing. Research based on the underlying IPK framework has been extended by including the perspective of experience marketing.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Programme:International Business Administration BSc (50952)
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