University of Twente Student Theses


Effect of Internal Misalignment on Competence Trust from the External Relationships : Influenced by Sustainability

Pluimers, P. (2024) Effect of Internal Misalignment on Competence Trust from the External Relationships : Influenced by Sustainability.

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Abstract:Currently, companies experience an organizational shift towards more sustainable practices. This organizational shift can cause irregularities within the internal environment of the company and in the external environment. The main irregularity which the research focuses on is internal misalignment, which is caused by different sustainability perspectives across the company. The research seeks to address how this phenomenon impacts the external environment, focusing on competence trust from supply chain partners. The research focuses on a company within the connectivity solutions market, where interviews were conducted, to seek for new insights about the construct of the research. Implications for theory and practice were found. Internal misalignment between departments has been identified, whereas current research only talked about persons. Another finding is the low effect on competence trust due to the high dependence on supply chain partners within the connectivity solutions market. Lower amounts of buyers and suppliers leads to more dependence on current partners, and therefore learning trajectories are often fulfilled rather than looking for new partners. Recommendations for future research is by conducting research with companies which are less dependent on their supply chain partners, together with seeking for different types of internal misalignment, and how competence trust can be influenced.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:International Business Administration BSc (50952)
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