University of Twente Student Theses


Investigating the Moderating Role of Transcendence in the Relationship between Gym Participation and Mental Well-Being

Niederwemmer, Lynn (2024) Investigating the Moderating Role of Transcendence in the Relationship between Gym Participation and Mental Well-Being.

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Abstract:Previous research has led to the expectation that the virtue transcendence positively influences gym participation and mental well-being. Therefore, this research aimed to examine the moderating function of transcendence in the association between gym participation and mental well-being among individuals over the age of 18. Although the existing literature had predominantly anticipated that gym participation positively influences mental well-being, the findings disclosed a weak negative correlation between gym participation and mental well-being. However, a significant positive correlation between the virtue transcendence and mental well-being was evidenced in this study. Furthermore, the predicted positive moderation of transcendence on the relationship between gym involvement and mental health was confirmed. The virtue transcendence consists of the character strengths appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humour, and spirituality which were assessed individually. This subsequent investigation proved no statistically significant interaction effect for appreciation of beauty and excellence but found significant negative moderating effects for gratitude and hope. Humour and spirituality moderated the relationship between gym participation and mental well-being significantly positively. Future research should expand on these fluctuating relationships through longitudinal and qualitative methods.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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