University of Twente Student Theses


A Chatbot to Inform About BRCA-gene Mutations

Welting, Isa (2024) A Chatbot to Inform About BRCA-gene Mutations.

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Abstract:The integration of electronic health (eHealth) applications in Dutch healthcare presents opportunities to enhance patient care by providing timely information. University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht), an academic hospital, seeks to innovate its genetic counselling services for BRCA-gene mutation patients by developing an information chatbot. This research outlines the development process of a demonstrator chatbot, starting with gathering requirements from healthcare professionals using a semi-structured interview, which identified the need for a user-friendly and information-rich platform. Subsequently, a literature analysis of existing chatbot frameworks led to the selection of the Rasa framework for its robust natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities and community support. The developed chatbot was evaluated in two parts: a task-based usability test where participants can familiarise themselves with its structure and message style and a semi-structured interview where the participants are asked about their experience with it. The results show that while chatbot structure and messages are clear, improvements are needed to address initial setup difficulties, prevent response repetition, and expand the question database. Overall, developing this chatbot shows how using technology in healthcare can improve how patients get information and contribute to better care in genetic counselling.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Business & IT BSc (56066)
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