University of Twente Student Theses


Dusk or Dawn – How Does the Perception of Guardianship of Burglars and Residents Differ in Neighbourhoods During Daytime Versus Nighttime?

Müller, Laura Alina (2024) Dusk or Dawn – How Does the Perception of Guardianship of Burglars and Residents Differ in Neighbourhoods During Daytime Versus Nighttime?

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Abstract:It was found that the mere presence of a guardian can effectively deter potential burglars (Van Sintemaartensdijk et al., 2020). However, not much research has been done on guardianship and how it can be increased or even simulated. A new term is introduced namely dynamic guardianship which combines physical as well as symbolic guardianship to simulate guardianship. Therefore, this research investigates the impact of dynamic guardianship measures, specifically cameras and self-closing curtains, on perceived guardianship from the burglar’s as well as the resident’s perspective in residential neighbourhoods within VR during daytime as well as nighttime. Understanding how perceived guardianship, which refers to the sense of security derived from the presence of capable individuals deterring criminal activities, can be influenced is of great importance for developing effective crime prevention strategies, which consequently could strengthen community safety. A quantitative approach with an experimental design was used in which virtual reality videos were utilised to simulate neighbourhood scenarios. Participants were randomly assigned to different conditions regarding both perspective (Burglar’s Perspective vs. Resident’s Perspective) and dynamic guardianship measure (Camera vs. Self-closing curtains). Moreover, participants were asked to provide feedback on their perceptions of dynamic guardianship during different times of the day. Findings revealed no significant differences in perceived guardianship levels between daytime and nighttime scenarios incorporating security measures with dynamic guardianship aspects. However, there was no difference between perceived dynamic guardianship for the guardianship conditions (Camera vs. Self-closing curtains). Moreover, there were no significant differences in concern levels regarding burglary between neighbourhoods equipped with cameras and self-closing curtains. The study highlights the need for further research to address several important gaps in the existing literature.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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