University of Twente Student Theses


Impact Assessment of Soyabean Grain Storage Facilities on Land cover and Deforestation Detected through Remote Sensing Images : The Brazil Case Study.

Shawa, Charlie (2024) Impact Assessment of Soyabean Grain Storage Facilities on Land cover and Deforestation Detected through Remote Sensing Images : The Brazil Case Study.

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Abstract:The expansion of agricultural land is one of the major contributors to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and greenhouse gas emissions particularly in tropical regions. Soyabean cultivatable land especially in the tropical regions of South America has increased significantly. This is driven by rising global population and meat consumption which boosts the demand for soyabean-based animal feed. This expansion has subsequently led to the growth of agricultural logistical infrastructure such as grain storage facilities which play a pivotal role in its supply chain. However, the role of such logistical infrastructure in relation to deforestation is unknown. To address this knowledge gap, this study introduces a novel spatial-temporal analysis method using buffer zones around grain storage facilities established between 2002 and 2017 in Mato Grosso. Buffer zones of 5 km, 10 km, and 25 km around storage facilities were used as spatial extents within which land cover changes (deforestation) were analysed. Using geoinformation science techniques and statistical models namely propensity score matching and logistic regression, the study explored deforestation dynamics as well as the associated effects of soyabean grain facilities (treatment), biophysical, socioeconomic and climates factors. The study findings reveal that deforestation rates in the buffer zones significantly decreased between 2003 and 2008 before stabilizing at lower levels. Despite the localized approach using buffers, this aligns with the observed peaks and troughs in deforestation trends at broader national and international resulting from policies such as the soy moratorium and the Action Plan for Deforestation Prevention and Control in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm). The paired t-test shows substantial deforestation reductions near soyabean facilities, highlighting the effectiveness of close-proximity interventions, likely due to better monitoring, enforcement, and adoption of sustainable practices. Conversely, the odds ratios indicate that slope, GDP per capita, and the human influence index are associated with lower deforestation odds. However, soyabean facilities increase the overall odds of deforestation. This paradox occurs because while soyabean facilities drive localized reductions in deforestation due to effective interventions, they also promote broader agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, and economic incentives for land conversion, leading to increased deforestation beyond immediate proximities. These findings emphasize the importance of integrating economic development with environmental sustainability to mitigate deforestation effectively in the municipalities of Mato Grosso. This in turn should inform policies that balance agricultural expansion and environmental conservation.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ITC: Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
Subject:43 environmental science
Programme:Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation MSc (75014)
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