University of Twente Student Theses


Introducing Automated Testing into an Existing Codebase with Limited Effort

Bolding, T.G.J. (2024) Introducing Automated Testing into an Existing Codebase with Limited Effort.

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Abstract:When introducing automated tests in an existing codebase with limited effort, one needs to prioritize the creation of the possible tests. To do so, fault-proneness metrics and test implementation effort estimation can be used such that the most faults are likely to be detected with the least effort required. However, in an environment where not all functionality is equally valued, user value can be taken into account as well. In this research UPSS, a strategy for suggesting and prioritizing tests with as little manual effort required as possible, is presented and evaluated. The strategy is accompanied by an implementation of the strategy in an automated tool, TIES. The strategy shows promising results, even though some refinement on one of the factors used in its test prioritization is required. The tool presents a novel approach to linking code and functionality in a codebase, giving it the ability to provide meaningful insights.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Computer Science MSc (60300)
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