University of Twente Student Theses


Developing a Reminiscent VR Game to Enhance Cognitive Function and Well-Being for Older Individuals with Dementia

Dinter, A.V.A. van (2024) Developing a Reminiscent VR Game to Enhance Cognitive Function and Well-Being for Older Individuals with Dementia.

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Abstract:For this thesis, the possible ways to include reminiscent therapy and cognitive abilities into a game for older people with dementia were explored. The non-pharmacological treatment: reminiscence therapy aims to recall distant memories with conversation and other tools such as objects, art, and, music. In recent years there has been interest in technological applications such as VR for people with dementia. However, research on this topic is novel and there is yet much discover and be determined for the development of virtual reality games and applications for people with Dementia. This research project started with a literature review of the current research on the topics: Dementia, design guidelines, technologies, games for PwD, and non-pharmacological treatments. In the second phase, expert interviews were conducted to gain additional knowledge on the current use in the field and more info about the use of virtual reality for people with dementia in the Netherlands specifically. Lastly, an evaluation with high-fi-prototype testing with proxy users was done. The evaluation findings concluded that a VR game can have a positive effect on a person’s well-being, stimulate cognitive abilities, and help people recall memories; however, more research is needed to understand how reminiscing can be improved.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:50 technical science in general
Programme:Creative Technology BSc (50447)
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