University of Twente Student Theses


Structural Network Characteristics and Network Effectiveness : A case study into the housing network of Twenterand

Keulen, D.J.K. van (2024) Structural Network Characteristics and Network Effectiveness : A case study into the housing network of Twenterand.

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Abstract:The Netherlands has a housing shortage. The entry of the Strengthening Public Housing Management Act, should ensure that the government, together with other parties, takes control of housing. The thesis researched how this collaboration is expressed and how these parties achieve output together. The research is conducted based on a case study, in which interviews and document analysis were used as method to answer the research question how do structural network characteristics influence network effectiveness of the housing provision of the municipality of Twenterand to achieve goals? Seven actors in the Twenterand network were interviewed for this thesis. The most important results relate to the structural network characteristics, ‘formalization’ and ‘integration mechanism and tools’. These two structural network characteristics have not completely been implemented in the network, which means that network effectiveness is not optimally achieved in various layers in the network. The formalization and structure that facilitate interactions between the municipality and the housing association show what the network could be capable of when the formalization and structure are further developed in the network. Formalizing the distinct roles of the municipality in the network appears to be a key factor for the further development of other structural network characteristics.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:70 social sciences in general
Programme:Public Administration MSc (60020)
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