University of Twente Student Theses


Exploring The Role of Awe and Guilt in Shaping Sustainable Product Purchase Intentions : A Construal Level Theory Perspective

Maskanceva, Laura (2024) Exploring The Role of Awe and Guilt in Shaping Sustainable Product Purchase Intentions : A Construal Level Theory Perspective.

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Abstract:The rise in green advertising reflects growing consumer concern for environmental issues, with companies increasingly adopting sustainable marketing practices. However, predicting what drives consumers to buy eco-friendly products remains challenging. Effective communication is crucial for promoting sustainable consumption, and leveraging the power of emotion in advertising can be a powerful tool. One approach to understanding consumer reactions is temporal distance, which examines how people think about things that are near or far in time. For example, a product benefit seen tomorrow is perceived differently than one seen in a year. While researchers have studied this concept in social marketing, few have investigated its role in green advertising, particularly when combined with emotional appeals. This research investigates the combined and main effects of emotion (awe vs. guilt) and temporal distance (present vs. future) on purchase intention and attitude towards green product advertisements. Furthermore, this study examines the roles of Perceived Consumer Effectiveness (PCE) and perceived greenwashing in this relationship. A 2 (guilt vs. awe) by 2 (future vs. present) between-subject experimental design was used in an online experiment (N = 161) with advertisements for swimwear and body care products. Results showed no significant effects of the combination of emotion and temporal distance on attitude towards the advertisement and purchase intentions, nor the moderating effect of PCE and the mediating effect of greenwashing. However, emotion significantly influenced greenwashing perceptions, with awe leading to higher greenwashing concerns than guilt. These findings highlight the complexities of emotional appeals in advertising and highlight the need for tailored strategies and further exploration of emotion and temporal interactions.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies, 70 social sciences in general
Programme:Communication Studies MSc (60713)
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