University of Twente Student Theses


Data access paradigms in enterprise software development

Hulter, Jelle (2024) Data access paradigms in enterprise software development.

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Abstract:Persistence of data is an important aspect when developing an enterprise software applications. For storing this data in an persistent manner, database management systems are used. In order for a software engineer to interact with a relational database management system, a language like SQL is used commonly in order to interact with the database. In order to reduce boilerplate and repetitive code, many different data access frameworks have been introduced over time. Each of these frameworks have different properties and have different ways of expressing the data access operation that needs to be executed. Choosing which framework to use for a new enterprise software project is often a critical design choice when implementing a software architecture. In order to help a software architect choose the right data access framework to use, in this thesis, we try to introduce and identify these frameworks into various paradigms. We discovered that many of the data access frameworks have different approaches of how to apply them in practice. Consequently, we have conducted two experiments on the different implementations to see whether we can identify a significant difference between the identified paradigms and their implementations. The first experiment tested the performance of the different implementations and the second experiment focused on the readability of the code of an implementation. These experiments were conducted by implementing the same test business case for each of the 17 implementation approaches. Then, we analyzed the execution time and energy consumption of these implementations, and calculated code complexity in order to reason about the readability of the code. The results have shown that there is no significant difference between the different paradigms in either performance or readability. However, this thesis does give a software architect an overview of the available frameworks, how the implementations of these frameworks relate to each other, and what their performance and readability is when they are applied to a business case.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Info Support, Veenendaal, Netherlands
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Computer Science MSc (60300)
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