University of Twente Student Theses


Automatic management of bluetooth networks for indoor localization

Jevring, Markus (2008) Automatic management of bluetooth networks for indoor localization.

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Abstract:This work explores automatic management of Bluetooth-based sensor networks for indoor localization. In particular, we will discuss algorithms that can reduce the number of active Bluetooth sensors needed in such a network, while maintaining comparable localization performance to that of the un-optimized, or full network. The main advantage of such optimization is that it reduces need for human effort in planning the Bluetooth network, which in turn reduces the costs of managing these systems. This is particularly important in ubiquitous computing systems in general, which typically contain many (embedded) sensors, possible of different types. Our contributions are the algorithms themselves and the experimental evaluation of the algorithms and the networks that the algorithms create. Our algorithms are based on the individual values of the contributing devices to the network. These algorithms use an architecture we created called AMBIENT to affect the changes to the network after the algorithms have performed the necessary calculations. The AMBIENT architecture is built upon an existing distributed application called the Context Management Framework. We will discuss in detail the inner working of the algorithms, the AMBIENT infrastructure used, and the performance of the various algorithms. Our results show that the optimizers can produce networks of approximately half the size of the original network while maintaining similar prediction performance.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Telematica Instituut
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Computer Science MSc (60300)
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