University of Twente Student Theses


Angstige Allochtonen: Een onderzoek naar onveiligheidsgevoelens van niet-westerse allochtonen in Nederland

Mellema, K. (2009) Angstige Allochtonen: Een onderzoek naar onveiligheidsgevoelens van niet-westerse allochtonen in Nederland.

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Abstract:The motive for this master assignment is the outcome of earlier research on ‘fear of crime’ which stated that non-western migrants would feel more unsafe than autochthonous people in the Netherlands. This outcome did raise some questions, which are the base of this research. How can the feelings of unsafety of non-western migrants be described? How do these feelings relate to the feelings of unsafety of autochthonous people? Which factor influence these feeling? And are there any difference between several non-western ethnic groups? The purpose of this research is to create more understanding of the feelings of unsafety of non-western migrants. The core part of this research is a secondary data-analysis of the data which is collected by the Veiligheidsmonitor Rijk of 2006, 2007 and 2008 and the survey Leefsituatie Allochtone Stedelingen 2004-2005. These national surveys from the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, try to give insight in the feelings of unsafety of the Dutch people. The survey Leefsituatie Allochtone Stedelingen specificly focuses on the four major non-western ethnic minorities; Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antillians. Before conducting the data analysis, a literature study is done to answer the question what feelings of unsafety are and which factor influence them. Feelings of unsafety are part of a the concept of ‘safety perception’, which consists of three modalities. The affective modality includes the feelings experienced when people are confronted with threats in their environment, like fear and worry. The cognitive modality contains the knowledge of unsafe situations and the expected chance of victimization. Avoidance behavior and prevention means are part of the conative modality. The literature study showed that safety perception is influenced by many factors that, together compose the context. This context can be divide into three levels; society, community and personal level. This study focuses within the community level on social environment and victimization within the personal level. These factors are known to affect safety perception and are measured in safety surveys. Based on the literature study and several reports on feelings of unsafety of non-western migrants, a number of hypotheses are formulated. The main expectation was that non-western migrants would mention more often they felt ‘often unsafe’ than autochthonous people. At the same time the nonAngstige Allochtonen Scriptie Kees Mellema 55 Summary western migrants who feel often unsafe were expected to be more often victims of violence and experience a more negative social environment. The statistic analysis showed that non-western migrants do in fact report more often they feel ‘often unsafe’. Within this group of non-western migrants the Turks, Moroccans and Surinamese report less often they feel ‘often unsafe’ than Antillians. Significant differences in victimization of non-western migrants and autochthonous people are not found. Though Surinamese and Antillians who feel ‘often unsafe’ report significantly more victimization of violence than Turk and Moroccans who feel ‘often unsafe’. On social environment there are some differences as well. Non-western migrants who feel ‘often unsafe’ experience less social cohesion than autochthonous people who feel often unsafe. Concluding, non-western migrant in the Netherlands feel more frequent unsafe than autochthonous people. Looking at victimization for these groups there are no differences. Differences that do occur when looking at social environment. Therefore social environment is found to be affecting the more frequent feeling of unsafety of non-western migrants. Focusing on the different non-western ethnic minorities, presents a different image. Between Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antillians who feel often unsafe are significant differences in victimization of violence. Striking is the fact that Surinamese and Antillians who feel often unsafe, are significantly more often victims of violence than Turks and Moroccans. Yet Antillians report less often they feel ‘often unsafe’. The results of this study are reason to recommend more frequent and more qualitative, further research on differences in frequency of feelings of unsafety between non-western ethnic minorities
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:88 social and public administration
Programme:Public Administration MSc (60020)
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