University of Twente Student Theses


Het ontwerpen van een bank van (vouw)karton voor in de openbare buitenruimte

Vos, Mariska (2010) Het ontwerpen van een bank van (vouw)karton voor in de openbare buitenruimte.

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Abstract:This report is written within the framework of the Bachelor Assignment. The principal Acket (a printing office located in Oss) celebrates its 125th anniversary this year. On the occasion of this the company wants to give a special gift to the municipality of Oss. This gift will be a bench that can be placed outside in the city. The assignment was to design this bench out of cardboard, with the wish that the bench is made from folding cardboard. Furthermore, auxiliary materials may be used provided they are sustainable or recyclable. It is intended that the bench is as sustainable as possible. It should be taken into account that the bench is resistant to vandalism, is waterproof and preferably fire retardant. The design has to be elaborate, including a graphical design, into a manufacturable bench. Before designing the bench, some prior research has been done. In this research the principal, the target group, street furniture and cardboard were analyzed. In the case of the cardboard research it was analyzed how the cardboard bench could be made resistant to vandalism, waterproof and fire retardant. Based on this results there is formulate a list of requirements. After this, some concepts are developed and compared with the given requirements. Finally, there is chosen one concept that is elaborated to a manufacturable bench. At the end, the production process was considered and the costs of the bench were estimated. The final concept is a bench which consists of blocks made of stacked sheets of folding cardboard. The blocks are made from waste cardboard folding sheets. Only the top sheets are new and will be equipped with the colours cyan, magenta, yellow or blue and the motif from the invitation which Acket send for their 125th anniversary party. The measurements of the blocks are 40x60 cm, 60x60 cm and 40x100 cm and can vary in height. With this, several different benches can be designed. It is intended that in every town of the municipality of Oss a different designed bench has to be placed. The bench will be provided with a layer of epoxy resin with UV‐filter so the bench can withstand influences of the weather. The epoxy resin layer will make the bench rock‐hard and waterproof. Furthermore, the solid construction of the bench together with the epoxy resin makes sure that the bench is fire retardant and resistant to vandalism. To prevent that moisture from the ground could take up into the bench, the bench should not be placed directly on the ground. Therefore, the bench will be placed on a base made of recycled plastic pallets. This way the base can be easily adapted to the design of the bench and the material is durable. When an alternative could be found for the epoxy resin, the bench can be made fully sustainable. There are still some aspects that need to be tested before the bench can actually be placed outside. First, it should be tested how many layers of epoxy resin are needed to make the bench waterproof and resistant to vandalism. Second, it should be tested to what extend the bench is retardant to vandalism and the lifespan of the bench should be established.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:21 art forms
Programme:Industrial Design BSc (56955)
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