University of Twente Student Theses


Een startkwalificatie voor de arbeidsmarkt; De rol van sociale en psychologische factoren bij jongeren zonder een startkwalificatie

Wal, M.C. van der (2011) Een startkwalificatie voor de arbeidsmarkt; De rol van sociale en psychologische factoren bij jongeren zonder een startkwalificatie.

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Abstract:The purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence the intentions of the young people without qualification to learn and work. Also, this research aims to offer the best use of communication tools that motivate young people to get involved in an apprenticeship. The Working and Learning Project and its cooperating partners try to get the young people in the project and the information bus, but experience shows that few young people visited the bus. The people of the project get the impression that the bus cannot fully exploit its capabilities and doesn’t provide additional value from the project. The absence of the young people does give them the image of lazy, not motivated and a risk to society. To find out the reasons why young people do not attend the information bus, the main question has been formulated as follow: What factors play a role in young people without a basic qualification in relation to learning and work? When considering the main question, there are some questions to the forefront. The main question will be deepened with two questions: • To what extent do social factors play a role in young people without a basic qualification? • To what extent do psychological factors play a role in young people without a basic qualification? The social factors in this study include the social environment and the influences of social environment on the young. This is the socioeconomic status of parents, parenting behaviour and parents' educational background. Besides the parents friends are also part of the social environment of the young. Friends can have both positive and negative impact on young people. The psychological factors in this study are based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. This theory falls apart in the attitude, social norm and perceived behavioral control. The attitude is the way the young think about learning and work and the benefits for the young person. The social norm is that the young person feels the pressure from their environment to express certain behaviour. And perceived behavioral 7 control is the self-efficacy of the young, if the individual feels he or she has to express certain behaviour. The controllability of the perceived behavioral control is whether the young person thinks he or she has control over the situation. The social and psychological factors were examined through a quantitative study. A questionnaire conducted among the primary target group, young people without a basic qualification to 27 years. The questionnaire was conducted in two ways, via a hard copy and one digital version. The hard-copy is distributed in two municipalities, namely the municipality Heerenveen and the municipality of Sneek. The digital version is distributed via the Hyves social media, by a call on the town pages of Heerenveen, Tytsjerksteradiel and Dongeradeel. There were a total of 114 youths who participated in the study. The purpose of the questionnaire is to gain insight into how young people think about the key points of the Learning and Working Project Fryslân. Another target of the investigation was to find out how the social and psychological factors based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour predict the subjects in the study, while translating them to the communication. Both questionnaires were divided into three themes on which research is conducted. First is the theme, learning and working in generally, the second theme, the Learning and Working Project Fryslân and the third and last theme, Communication. These themes show which predictors are most important to young people without a basic qualification in relation to learning and working. The survey shows that attitudes and social influence are the main predictors of the behaviour of the young person without a basic qualification in relation to learning and working generally and Learning and Working Project Fryslân. There has to be a shift in the awareness of young people. Young people should understand that an education and a qualification in the long term are more beneficial for the younger on job opportunities and income. It is also important not only to address the young person but especially the environment around the youth. Young people are feeling the pressure of parents particularly in the areas of work, having a job and earning money. There is no motivation from the parents to the Young to learn or even to participate in the Learning and Working Project Fryslân and the bus. The parents and eventually the friends should also raise awareness that a qualification on the long-term have more benefits.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Leren & Werken Project Fryslân
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Studies MSc (60713)
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