University of Twente Student Theses


On the influence of stereographic 3D on user dependent direct projected augmented reality in the OR

Epskamp, S.G. (2012) On the influence of stereographic 3D on user dependent direct projected augmented reality in the OR.

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Abstract:This report is the result of a master thesis assignment at the Signals and Signals group, University of Twente. The project is focused on easing the task surgeons face in the path planning phase of an operation, by directly projecting internal structures on a patient‟s body, using direct projected augmented reality. Augmented reality is the technique of adding information or virtual objects to real-life environments. This technique can be applied to ease the task surgeons face when planning operations. The goal in path planning is to minimize tissue damage done by incisions, by determining the shortest safe path to the target tissue. In the current workflow this task is frustrated by the fact that the surgeon has to integrate the information he obtains from images shown on separate monitors into his view of the patient. Direct projected augmented reality could ease this task by projecting the structures directly onto the skin of the patient. This should give the surgeon a sort of „x-ray‟ vision in which he can directly see the position and orientation of the target structure in the patient. This could greatly increase his accuracy and speed in this planning task. This scenario is the subject of this thesis. A hardware rig was built to augment a Styrofoam mannequin with images of a 3D model of a tumor. This rig was used to test the influence of stereoscopic 3D and the display of a guidance grid emphasizing the patient‟s body in a simple path planning task. The hardware rig consists of a projector suspended above a table on which the mannequin lies. The user position is measured using an electromagnetic tracker. The setup is driven by a standard PC. The real-time images showing a geometrically undistorted image of the tumor to the user are generated with the use of OpenGL API. Through user testing, we find out that both the use of stereoscopic 3D and the display of a guidance grid increases the accuracy of users in the path planning task. Stereoscopy improves user speed as well, while the grid doesn‟t.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science
Programme:Interaction Technology MSc (60030)
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