University of Twente Student Theses


Leven met schemamodi. Een beschrijvend onderzoek naar het verband tussen aanwezige disfunctionele modi en beperkingen op levensgebieden bij mensen met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen

Bottlinger, Stephanie (2013) Leven met schemamodi. Een beschrijvend onderzoek naar het verband tussen aanwezige disfunctionele modi en beperkingen op levensgebieden bij mensen met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen.

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Abstract:Objective: Research on people with personality disorders show that they experience limitations in various life domains and occasion more health care costs. People with personality disorders often also have an extensive history of health care treatment. Personality disorders are described as inflexible and pervasive what does make treating them so difficult. Schema therapy by Jeffrey Young seems to be a promising treatment option for people with personality disorders. This form of therapy focuses on identifying and changing dysfunctional, maladaptive schemas and schema modes that serve as a basis of personality pathology, according to Young. Purpose: In the clinical field, the question arose which schema modes are present in clients with personality disorders. In addition the research focused on finding a connection between schema modes and life domains with which persons with personality disorders experience problems. Method: To collect information about the schema modes the Schema Mode Inventory (SMI) was used. This self-report questionnaire was employed to 35 clients of the clinical center ‘De Wieke’, Mediant, where they work according to the principles of schema therapy. Based on information from the dossier of the clients it was determined with which life domains the clients with personality disorders experienced problems. The existing connection between schema modes and problems experienced with life domains was determined using statistical correlations. Results: A large majority of the surveyed clients reported schema modes of different schema mode domains. Only the schema mode domain of the overcompensation modes is underrepresented. Furthermore, it was found that the clients experienced problems on many life domains. Significant correlations were found between different schema modes domains, schema modes and life domains in which the clients experience problems. Conclusion: In accordance to several studies the clients experience problems in various life domains and have a relatively long treatment history. They also report a large number of schema modes. The connections that where found between specific schema modes and problems experienced with life domains can be explained by the schema theory of Young. Based on these connections, recommendations for the practicing field were formulated focused on improving the efficiency of the treatment.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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