University of Twente Student Theses


Using diaries in value co-creation : an explorative study of the applicability of a diary practice aimed at value co-creation in the Dutch police organization

Jassies, Renske (2013) Using diaries in value co-creation : an explorative study of the applicability of a diary practice aimed at value co-creation in the Dutch police organization.

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Abstract:The Dutch police should be able to improve service delivery by partnering with victims of domestic burglary (Inspectie Veiligheid en Justitie, 2012). However, questions are raised when one wants to treat victims as partner: What is an appropriate partner treatment and how could a partner treatment add up to what is valued by victims? From managerial literature comes forward that customer value in a specific service (e.g. process of filing police report) is optimally created by partnering and discussing with stakeholders of that specific service. This is called value co-creation. However, literature also shows that value co-creation can be carried out in many practical forms. As value co-creation concerns searching collaboratively for improvements in a service, value co-creation practices could (1) meet more customer value and (2) give hands and feet to partnering with victims. However, the question remains: ‘In what way can value co-creation be applied in improving the process of filing a police report and what improvements can be made by applying value co-creation?’ First, literature is studied about value co-creation. Based upon literature, a conceptual model for applying value co-creation is designed. Second, the conceptual model is carried out in a case study. The aim of the case study is to improve the police service based on what is valued by victims and provide the police organization with an example of how value co-creation can be applied. The first part of the research question is answered by jointly finding a way to design and test a co-creation practice with police employees (i.e. in what way?). The answer to the first part of the question is based upon theoretical input, decisions, actions, outspoken and actual willingness to participate and behavior while testing the jointly designed co-creation practice. However, the answer is also based upon victims’ reactions to the co-creation practice. The answer to the second part of the research question (i.e. what improvements?) is based upon the tested practice, researcher-victim conversations, discussions between victim and police during an evaluating meeting and interviews with police employees. In collaboration with police employees the value co-creation practice of a diary was designed. Victims were able to write about their experiences with the burglary incident and the associated encounters with police by providing victims of domestic burglary the diary, directly after they are victimized. From the diaries it became apparent what is appreciated or missed by victims while experiencing the police service of filing a police report. In an evaluation meeting and in personal conversations, ideas were put forward in order to meet those missing values from victims. Reactions and ideas for improvements from victims and police (e.g. by personal conversations and discussions in briefings) ensured enough information to provide an answer of the applicability of the diary as value co-creation practice by setting up this diary action. Results showed, for example, that the information provision after the police report is filed is often regarded as insufficient by victims. Victims also indicated that they are curious to results from the forensic investigation executed in their home. Furthermore, a threshold is noticed at victims’ side causing victims waiving to report seemingly unimportant information. The provision of a reporting officers’ personal work phone number might lower this threshold. However, providing a personal phone number is considered sensitive topic within police. Based upon reactions from victims and police can be concluded that the diary practice as value co-creation method is applicable in the process of filing a police report in order to improve the process. Ideas for improving the process of filing a police report at domestic burglary are put forward in victims’ diaries, researcher-victim conversations, discussions between victim and police during an evaluating meeting and interviews with police employees.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
O&A Onderzoeks- en Aviesgroep Politie, the Netherlands
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Business Administration MSc (60644)
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