University of Twente Student Theses


Assessing onsite energy usage: an explorative study

Janssen, R.M.J. (2014) Assessing onsite energy usage: an explorative study.

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Abstract:Assessment of building energy use is widely incorporated in building energy regulations, energy certification and standards. The majority of these assessments focus on a building’s operational energy and on the indirect energy embodied in building materials. However there is limited data regarding direct embodied energy during the construction stage, while due to the increased focus on lowering operational energy the relative share of embodied energy is increasing significantly. Although this growing significance is recognized, current interpretations, quantification and analysis procedures of embodied energy throughout the whole construction process are unclear and needed. This paper presents the results of an explorative study into energy used for onsite construction activities. A method was developed in order to catch the data needed for the quantification and analysis. Using a sample of residential building projects, this paper presents the data that was found and the statistical analysis that was used in order to investigate potential ways to assess and compare onsite energy usages of projects. Three linear positive and significant correlations between onsite electricity usage and three project characteristics; (1) construction period, (2) gross floor area and (3) gross building volume were identified. For the assessment and comparison of onsite electricity usage of projects (by expressing them in project characteristics), these correlations provide promising ground for future research. In addition, based on findings and difficulties with regard to data collection guidelines are recommended for data collection in future research.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:56 civil engineering
Programme:Civil Engineering and Management MSc (60026)
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