University of Twente Student Theses


Behoefte aan derde-partij-hulp bij een arbeidsconflict : het effect van erkenning

Appelman, L.A. (2014) Behoefte aan derde-partij-hulp bij een arbeidsconflict : het effect van erkenning.

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Abstract:A workplace conflict is one of the leading causes of absenteeism and work disability. Mediation appears to have a positive impact on the outcome of a conflict, but a mediation often means costs for the employee or the employer. This research will therefore see if there is an easy first step that can be helpful to resolve the conflict, so people do not go looking for help from a third party. This step could be that a conflict party gives recognition to the other conflict party. It is expected that the effect of recognition on the need for third-party help is explained by the amount of stress a person experiences. The conflict experience and dependence were included in this study as additional factors that may affect the need for third-party help. Recognition, conflict experience and dependence were manipulated by means of a case study. Stress and the need for third-party help were measured with a questionnaire (n = 183). There appeared to be only an significant effect of stress on the need for third-party help. Maybe other research can give more insight whether there is another method to reduce stress during a conflict, so there is less need for help from a third party.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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