University of Twente Student Theses
Patiëntenervaringen met ziekenhuiszorg : patronen in de rolafstemming tussen patiënt en ziekenhuis
Jenzer, L. (2014) Patiëntenervaringen met ziekenhuiszorg : patronen in de rolafstemming tussen patiënt en ziekenhuis.
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Abstract: | This paper summarizes a qualitative research on patient views and perspectives on the quality of health care. The aim is to study the division of roles between patients and the medical staff and has been carried out in the con¬text of a broader Dutch research: Patiënten weten beter (Patients know better). In order to determine the di¬vision of roles stories about medical treatments of patients or their caretakers have been analyzed using the nar-rative method. The narrative method allows writers an abundance of freedom to document their medical ex¬perience in a story. Studying the division of roles is of importance as it is closely related to the role alignment be¬tween patient and medical staff. Four types of role alignment exist: a patient would like to have a larger role; a patient would like to have a smaller role; a patient is doubting about his role or still defining it and there is al¬rea¬dy consensus about the role. The literature suggests patients would like to have a larger role, especially with re¬gard to decision-making. Having insight into the different roles and alignments is from utmost importance as this is a clear measure for quality of care. In the context of the project “Patients know better” already eight patient roles have been defined. One of the aims of the analysis conducted in this study is to validate the already determined patient roles and if necessary to redefine the patient roles or to add new patient roles. Therefore 108 stories have been analyzed. The stories have been taken from a diverse and representative sample with regard to age and education, women and native citizens are however somewhat overly represented in the sample. This should be taken in¬to account while reading the outcome. The stories have been analyzed in a structural and qualitative manner. There¬fore it was possible to allocate every story to a certain patient experience type, which are one-on-one lin¬ked to patient roles. Furthermore this way of allocating ensured that the existing definitions of patient roles could be enriched and that new definitions of patient roles could be defined. Having analyzed the stories, eleven experience types have been determined, the definitions of the eight pa¬tient roles have been adapted and three new experience types have been formulated. Also the analysis points out, next to the fact that patients could have more than one role or role alignments, that one patient could si¬mul¬taneously have more than one role and role alignment. In this case the role is characterized by a main- and a subtype. The main type can dominate the subtype or there can be a balance between the two. Ana¬ly¬sis demonstrates that about half of the cases a patient has both a main and a subtype while visiting the hos¬pi¬tal. Mostly the subtype is dominated by the main type. This research concludes that the approximately half of the patients would like to have a smaller role, while a quarter whishes a larger role. Combined with the fact that there exist both main- and subtypes, this gives rise to the fact, that patients have a varying need in alignments of roles between patient and medical staff. It is there¬fore important that medical staff, decision-makers and managers realize that patients can have more ro¬les and alignments than one, both also simultaneously. This insight is required in order to match the needs of pa¬tients with the available health care which will result in a positive contribution to the quality of health care. |
Item Type: | Essay (Bachelor) |
Faculty: | BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences |
Subject: | 77 psychology |
Programme: | Psychology BSc (56604) |
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