University of Twente Student Theses


Exploring the influence of vigilance state on MEP amplitude induced by TMS in healthy participants and stroke patients.

Sluis, J. van (2015) Exploring the influence of vigilance state on MEP amplitude induced by TMS in healthy participants and stroke patients.

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Abstract:During this project, focus was on investigating the influence of vigilance state on MEP amplitude induced by TMS. In addition, it was aimed to develop a stimulation paradigm that would allow minimizing intraindividual MEP amplitude variability and to subsequently test this paradigm in stroke patients. To do so, this study was composed of three consecutive parts: a pilot study, a main study in healthy participants, and a feasibility study in stroke patients. During the main study in healthy participants, MEP measurements and EEG measurements were performed simultaneously while introducing a variety of tasks and stimulation methods. In stroke patients solely MEP measurements were done using the stimulation paradigm ensuring lowest MEP amplitude variability. For determining the influence of vigilance state on MEP amplitude, vigilance state was evaluated in the prepulse periods preceding each TMS pulse and subsequently correlated with the simultaneously acquired MEP amplitude using Pearson’s correlation tests. Coefficients of variance were calculated to determine which paradigm resulted in the lowest MEP amplitude variability. Measurements revealed a significant decrease (p=0.005) in MEP amplitude variability using triple pulse stimulation, in addition, MEPs were more easily obtained when using this stimulation method in comparison to the single pulse stimulation paradigm.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:44 medicine
Programme:Technical Medicine MSc (60033)
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