University of Twente Student Theses


Vluchtelingen in Europa : een bedreiging of mensen in nood?

Lust, S. (2016) Vluchtelingen in Europa : een bedreiging of mensen in nood?

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Abstract:The recent situation in Europe concerning the flood of refugees seems to split the EUcountries. But how are Europeans evaluating this situation? In order to understand how and why particularly German and Dutch participants appraise the recent events we have tried to re-categorize the participants and eventually measure the readiness for helping the refugees. By triggering feelings of guilt and shame we have tried to influence the proactive behavior of our respondents. The re-categorization itself did not work, but there are still other interesting things we could find. The Dutch respondents do not perceive any realistic threat concerning the refugees, but they score higher on guilt than de German respondents do, while Germans tend to display feelings of shame. Germans do not display increased image threat after triggering guilt and shame, however, a trend has been observed. Compared to the Dutch respondents the Germans displayed an increased readiness for both dependency-oriented helping and autonomy-oriented helping. In general German and Dutch respondents scored higher on autonomy-oriented helping than on dependency-oriented helping. Shame turned out as the only predictor for dependency-oriented helping, while image threat and shame predicted autonomy-oriented helping. We have found no evidence for a relation between collective efficacy and any type of helping. Replication and followup research is recommended.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:01 general works, 77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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