University of Twente Student Theses


A bikeability index for Curitiba (Brazil)

Motta, B.G. (2017) A bikeability index for Curitiba (Brazil).

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Abstract:The city of Curitiba, in the southern region of Brazil is seeking to increase the bicycle network with the construction of new bicycle paths and bicycle lanes, parking locations for bicycles and in the maintenance of the existent cycling infrastructure. Spatial analysis tools, such as the Bikeability Index is a useful approach to incorporate different aspects of bicycle use in a local perspective, giving inputs for decision-makers when deciding to implement new bicycle infrastructure in order to increase the cycling conditions within the city, providing positive cycling experiences and encourage more people to use bicycle for transportation. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation is to build a Bikeability Index for the city of Curitiba, considering local perspectives about bikeability and bicycle use. The index will be represented in a form of a map, highlighting areas that are more and less propitious to cycle. The map intends to support a potential bicycle network expansion of the city, by identifying areas where cycling conditions needs to be improved. The map was built using Geographic Information System (GIS) data, with the bicycle use aspects being assessed through a quantitative study conducted with the citizens of Curitiba. The index is composed by Residential Density, Mixed Land-use, Topography, Safety and Types of Infrastructure. GIS data was collected thanks to the open data policy from the Municipality of Curitiba and to previous investigations conducted in the city. A Questionnaire was also applied in the city, with the objective of gaining more insights about the aspects that affects bicycle use in Curitiba. 231 individuals participated in the survey. To analyse possible differences between in the survey responses, participants were divided in cyclists versus non-cyclists, and higher income versus lower income. Results demonstrated that cyclists and non-cyclists perceive differently the aspects related with bikeability and bicycle use. No consistent differences were found between higher and lower income group. Consequently, three bikeability maps were produced. One based on the responses from the whole sample size, one based on the cyclists’ evaluation and one based on non-cyclists’ evaluation. The map indicates areas with good conditions for cycling and areas where the conditions need to be improved. The map is focused on cycling for utilitarian purposes, rather than sports or recreation.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:56 civil engineering
Programme:Civil Engineering and Management MSc (60026)
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