University of Twente Student Theses


On the conflict between democracy and populism : a cross-country analysis of Belgium, Netherlands and the United Kingdom

Hinsenveld, Niek Henk-Jan (2017) On the conflict between democracy and populism : a cross-country analysis of Belgium, Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

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Abstract:This research delves into the tensions come forth within a liberal democracy when populist parties arise. It is argued that populism is an aspect which automatically comes forth within a liberal democracy when it transitions towards a post-democracy. Something which might happen automatically due to inherent tendencies happening within a liberal democratic society. A liberal democracy is a society in which the majority decides but the civil liberties are protected. Populism in this research is defined as a thin-ideology with chameleonic a chameleonic nature. This research focusses on the evolution of populist discourse within the party manifestos of five distinguishable parties over the course of four elections across three countries, the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands. It does so in order to determine how the tensions between populism and the liberal democratic tradition comes forth within party manifestos and election programs.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:89 political science
Programme:European Studies MSc (69303)
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