University of Twente Student Theses


Opposing gait impairments deriving from Parkinson's disease

Koopman, C.M. (2017) Opposing gait impairments deriving from Parkinson's disease.

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Abstract:Kinesia paradoxa (KP) has been found to relieve gait impairments caused by the progressive neurological disorder Parkinson’s disease, in which excessive neuronal cell death ensues causing motor complications. No other common effective method has yet been established to combat motor symptoms effecting gait. Cueing is a relatively novel technique based on KP, which uses a temporal or spatial prompt to improve cardinal symptoms. A medical scientific protocol has been formulated to test whether this solution pathway is feasible. Using a threefold approach by implementing an anamnesis, a TUG test and a 10 meter walk test, enough input would be generated to draw a conclusion. A LMR dispensation has been filed at the correct METC, to obtain permission to perform this research. After assessment, the dispensation has been denied, thus impeding the patient study. An Arduino prototype to be employed during testing was designed and assembled using several design phases. Preliminary testing was performed to asses this prototype. Noteworthy differences between regular gait abilities and gait abilities aided by the prototype were found. These test results occasioned the last modifications of the medical device, and the device was deemed appropriate for medical scientific research. The study results implicate great potential to the medical device. However, feasibility could not be established for no proof of principle study using patients could be performed. To obtain the necessary further research, a positive LMR verdict should be issued by an accredited METC. This process has already been initiated.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:20 art studies
Programme:Industrial Design BSc (56955)
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