University of Twente Student Theses


Het sociale mediagebruik van MKB-ers : een verkennend onderzoek onder het midden- en kleinbedrijf naar de motieven van het sociale mediagebruik, het sociale mediagebruik en de gepercipieerde meerwaarde van sociale media bij het managen van de corporate reputatie

Winter, G.C. (2017) Het sociale mediagebruik van MKB-ers : een verkennend onderzoek onder het midden- en kleinbedrijf naar de motieven van het sociale mediagebruik, het sociale mediagebruik en de gepercipieerde meerwaarde van sociale media bij het managen van de corporate reputatie.

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Abstract:This explorative study aims at determining why (motives) and how small an mediumsized enterprises (SME) use Social Media, and whether SME owners think added reputational value is being created by using Social Media. Furthermore, this study looks at how these factors are related. Given the preceding, this study focuses on the following three questions: • What are the motives for SME owners to use Social Media and how are they being used? • To what extent do SME owners think added reputational value is being created by using Social Media? • What factors are related to the motives, the usage of Social Media and the perceived added reputational value of Social Media? To be able to answer these questions, an online survey was spread among SME owners from both the Northern and Eastern part of The Netherlands. They were presented with statements about their motives, the usage of Social Media and their perception of the added reputational value.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Studies MSc (60713)
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