University of Twente Student Theses


Does a common-victim identity make East-Germans more positive about refugees?

Paschke, L. (2017) Does a common-victim identity make East-Germans more positive about refugees?

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Abstract:Germany had a large influx of refugees since 2015 which urged the government and also German inhabitants to react to support the integration of incoming refugees. Although a lot of people endorse the attempt to help refugees, there are also people who disapprove this approach of the refugee crisis. Especially between East- and West-Germany differences can be found. The election results and previous research let suggest that East-Germany is more critical towards refugees than people from West-Germany. In an experiment we assessed if the integrated threat theory can be used to explain the upcoming hostilities towards refugees in East-Germany. Analysis showed that symbolic and realistic threat were influencing in predicting negative attitude towards refugees. Moreover we examined the question if it is possible to influence this opinion by creating a common-victim identity between East- Germans and refugees. Participant in the common-victim condition did not report more or less negative attitude towards refugees than participants in the control condition. Also the extent of identification with East-Germany had no interacting effect on this. Limiting factors and possible explanations for the missing effects are discussed.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology BSc (56604)
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