University of Twente Student Theses


The effects of too much choice and information in online dating website designs (Technological paradoxes in Marketing Communication)

ZANDBERGEN, Emiel (2017) The effects of too much choice and information in online dating website designs (Technological paradoxes in Marketing Communication).

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Abstract:Online dating research shows that too much choice and information can lead to low satisfaction and high post-decision regret. In this online dating research these two constructs related to choice are tested again. Furthermore, choice-process satisfaction, website usability, partner choice motivations, the memory on partner characteristics and the website evaluation are tested related to too much choice and information in online dating. In this research participants had to choose a date on a website. Next to limited and extensive choice this research added different website designs (grouped vs ungrouped and presenting much or little information about a date) in a 2x2x2 research design to see if this also has an effect on all the stated constructs. Results show that more dating options lead to lower satisfaction, high post-decision regret and lower website usability. In addition, when a website design has many dating options, participants prefer an ungrouped website design, while when a website design has few dating options, participants prefer a grouped website design. Furthermore, people with much information about the date made quicker information-based decisions than decisions based on the looks of the person. Moreover, people who saw much information about a date experienced that the website was more focussed on a serious relationship. While people with less information experienced that the website was more focussed on getting one-night stands. Finally, participants who saw few dating options on a website design used more words to describe the appearance and information of the date than people who saw many dating options.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Studies MSc (60713)
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