University of Twente Student Theses


Validation of Eilmer4 for impinging shock interactions

Maag, S. de (2017) Validation of Eilmer4 for impinging shock interactions.

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Abstract:A validation study is made for Eilmer 4 for 2D impinging shock/shock interactions. This is valuable for modelling the re-entry of the International Space Station. The flow model encompasses a shock generator which creates a oblique shock which intersects a bow shock that is generated by a horizontal cylinder downstream. The results are compared to the experimental data of the ONERA R5Ch low-density wind tunnel for a flow of Mach 10 and Reynolds number of 2658. The temperature and density profiles seem to be acceptable when compared to the data and are converging, however the bow shock stand off distance differs roughly 0.4mm, a difference of 6% compared to the data. Eilmer captures the augmented heat flux and pressure around the cylinder. The augmentation is roughly in the right location, however the heat flux and pressure peaks are not converging due to a insufficient number of cells close to this location. The heat flux and pressure peak locations are converging, nonetheless the data of the experiment is not sufficient to conclude that these peaks location are exactly correct. It turns out that the unstructured mode of Eilmer is just as capable as determining the temperature profiles as the structured mode. Due to the lack of cells it is not possible to conclude if the unstructured mode is also capable of determining the heat flux and pressure close to the jet impact location. The next step for validating Eilmer and modelling the ISS for this model is using a more refined grid around the cylinder and looking at an unstructured version. Also, in the future a validation for a 3D model with increased complexity flow similar to the ISS re-entry would be helpful.
Item Type:Internship Report (Master)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:52 mechanical engineering
Programme:Mechanical Engineering MSc (60439)
Keywords:Impinging shock interactions, Eilmer, Hypersonics, Navier-Stokes simulations, type IV interactions, Laminar
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