University of Twente Student Theses


Experimental Determination and Validation of Pressure Through a Porous Medium

Ettema, Bart Robbert (2018) Experimental Determination and Validation of Pressure Through a Porous Medium.

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Abstract:The goal of this research is the design of a fast modular set up used for the measurement of pressure loss through a porous medium. Measurements done with this set-up will eventually reduce extensive simulationeffort. Inordertodesigntheexperimentalset-upaliteraturereviewhasbeenconductedfrom which design requirements and guidelines are defined. Also an analytical method is examined which in a later stadium of the research is used to validate the obtained experimental results. Using the information acquired by means of a literature study a schematic functional design is made. The functional design leads to the final design and required components. Test with various porous media are conducted and compared to the analytical method of Sabri Ergun (chapter 3). Very good comparison is achieved between the experimental results and Erguns theory, proving that the design work resulted in a working experimental method. More validation of the experimental results is done with a CFD model, similar results of both the CFD model and experimental results where obtained (chapter 4). Therefore a validated experimental method is obtained. The acquired constants to model the behavior of a porous medium from the experiment, are then tested in simulation software Ansys CFX. Thereby the CFD computations of a scaled down porous medium (chapter 4) in CFX is eliminated. This leads to a reduction of the computational time using the experimental method by a factor of eleven when compared to the CFD simulation. The pressure loss measurement method can be used to eliminate the computational effort of a simulation of a porous part in a larger system. Thereby the 44 hours computational time needed for the CFD simulation are eliminated and can be replaced by the pressure loss experiment (4 hours). Therefore it can be concluded that a validated fast experimental method for pressure drop measurement through a porous medium is achieved.
Item Type:Internship Report (Master)
Faculty:ET: Engineering Technology
Subject:52 mechanical engineering
Programme:Mechanical Engineering MSc (60439)
Keywords:Porous medium, CFD, Experimental
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