University of Twente Student Theses


Haptic feedback using skin stretch within a teleoperation system

Baars, C.E. (2018) Haptic feedback using skin stretch within a teleoperation system.

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Abstract:The aim of this research is the try to implement a new type of haptic feedback namely skin stretch. Some research already has been done on using skin stretch but it is still in an early stage of development. In this research more precision towards directional skin stretch feedback is added to bring it to a new level. This is desired because a doctor should be able to move the endoscope precisely. A small system is designed which has a sticky end effector attached to the skin. The structure surrounding the end effector has 4 servo motors attached to it which are able to pull the end effector (and thus the skin) in any direction. The skin stretch feedback is tested with a computer, the mouse should be moved along a certain path which is invisible for the user. The user has to trust the feedback in order to follow the right path and finally get to the correct end point. The results show that people have a hard time identifying in which direction the feedback moves. It is also shown that people are able to improve themselves with more training. Finally are the results compared with visual feedback and a combination of both. This comparison points out that the combination of both types of feedback works the best. Therefore can it be concluded that it is a helpful tool towards the operating doctor.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:42 biology
Programme:Electrical Engineering MSc (60353)
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