University of Twente Student Theses


Impact factors for patent behavior among 4TU academics : insights and survey instrument construction

Pijffers, M.L. (2018) Impact factors for patent behavior among 4TU academics : insights and survey instrument construction.

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Abstract:INTRODUCTION – Valorization forms a third mission for Dutch universities of technology to make a socio-economic contribution to society. Following current policies much reliance is placed on academics’ competence and engagement to identify and disclose potential patentable inventions while they are expected to, to the best of their ability, support patent procedures. Academic patent behavior is defined as all individual actions directed at the realization of a (potential) patent from research within an academic context. The propensity is relevant to study, because realizing patents from research by academics is under volitional control despite rules, regulations and job expectations. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES – (1) understand how academics' propensity is formed and (2) find careful insights on perceived organizational and individual impact factors. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY – A comprehensive literature study and semi-structured interviews (N = 13) with academic researchers working at 4TU universities varying on relevant characteristics such that a variety of perceptions could be included to ensure validity. INSIGHTS – To exploit inventive academic research via (worthwhile) patents, academics must engage in academic patent behavior. It is a valid new concept and the propensity to engage in it is dependent on the fact if academics feel capable, feel empowered and perceive the realization of patents as worthwhile and if they perceived an effective, coordinated and aligned academic context oriented towards the realization of patents. Academics use individual and contextual cues to form salient beliefs which determine ultimately the propensity to engage in academic patent behavior. ACADEMIC RELEVANCE – It opens up the psychological black box on how academics’ propensity to engage in academic patent behavior is formed and which perceived organizational and individual factors possibly enlarge and reduce this propensity. This resulted in the construction of a survey instrument for further research on engagement in academic patent behavior. PRACTICAL RELEVANCE – This research has practical implications for different social entities to create the right conditions within an academic context to convert results of its pioneering, relatively large and long-term focused R&D into worthwhile IPRs as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology, 85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Business Administration MSc (60644)
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