University of Twente Student Theses


Embodiment of prostheses : becoming part of the body-image

Scholten, C.L.P. (2019) Embodiment of prostheses : becoming part of the body-image.

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Abstract:In this research, the possibility of prostheses becoming part of the body-image will be researched through comparing the embodiment theory with the extension theory. Extension theory argues that prostheses do not become part of the body-image, but remain an extension of the physical body and thus remain a tool. Prostheses are considered to be located outside of the bodily boundaries. Embodiment theory explains how prostheses could become part of the body-image, though not necessarily that prostheses can be part of the body-image. Some cases of prosthetic users show that people have let their prosthesis become part of their body-image. In this research, I will try to answer the question: to what extent is a prosthesis part of the body-image? Not all prostheses can become part of the body-image, only those that resemble a part of the normal human body. The most significant outcome is that personal preference (and thus choice) is a decisive factor in letting prostheses become part of the body-image.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:08 philosophy, 44 medicine, 52 mechanical engineering
Programme:Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society MSc (60024)
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