University of Twente Student Theses


On determining a minimum and maximum arrival rate to decrease overcrowding at a nursing ward

Baars, L.A.C.P. (2019) On determining a minimum and maximum arrival rate to decrease overcrowding at a nursing ward.

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Abstract:This research explores the effect of a decrease in the variation in the number of arriving patients at a nursing ward, and the effect of discharging more patients before 2 PM on the overcrowding at that ward, since it is observed that overcrowding at the nursing ward occurs mainly because the planning of elective surgery patients is not communicated with the ward. Through the development of a discrete event simulation model in Excel, we find that a decrease in the variation and an increase in the number of discharges before 2 PM both reduce overcrowding, but only employed at the same time result in 2% overcrowding or less. This research shows that, with some simplifying assumptions, patient flow at a nursing ward can be described by a simple model in a spreadsheet program. Furthermore, this research quantifies the effect of discharging patients before 2 PM, as suggested in the Real-Time Demand Capacity (RTDC) management method. Lastly, it shows that the planning department should take the available bed capacity at the ward into account when scheduling elective surgeries.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:44 medicine, 50 technical science in general, 85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Industrial Engineering and Management MSc (60029)
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