University of Twente Student Theses


"Don't bother me with your information" : The Effect of Information Framing on Purchase Behavior in the Context of Plastic-free Grocery Shopping

Krieter, Maren (2019) "Don't bother me with your information" : The Effect of Information Framing on Purchase Behavior in the Context of Plastic-free Grocery Shopping.

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Abstract:The production of plastic and plastic waste leaves behind an ecological footprint. A significant amount of plastic waste comes from our daily groceries. A possible solution to the issue of plastic waste is plastic-free supermarkets. To contribute to this solution approach, it investigated how plastic-free supermarkets can motivate people to do plastic-free grocery shopping. Therefore, it was tested whether gain or loss-framed information is more effective to increase consumers’ willingness to do plastic-free grocery shopping. It was further tested if the effect of information framing on purchase behavior is moderated by consumers’ regulatory focus. To understand and measure purchase behavior, this research is based on the theory of planned behavior. An online experiment in the form of a combined survey was conducted. The sample was divided into two intervention groups and one control group. Participants of the intervention groups received either loss- or gain-framed information related to plastic-free grocery shopping. The participants’ regulatory focus, as well as the variables specified in the theory of planned behavior, were measured. Although no significant results were found, it is assumed that the provision of information does not affect people’s purchase behavior in the context of plastic-free grocery shopping, but that the availability and increased visibility of opportunities to buy plastic-free groceries would do so.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Studies BSc (56615)
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