University of Twente Student Theses


Building a Platform to Improve Sedentary Behaviour by Centralising Joy in Physical Activity

Kim, John (2019) Building a Platform to Improve Sedentary Behaviour by Centralising Joy in Physical Activity.

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Abstract:The Upward Spiral theory of Behaviour Change highlights the importance of experiencing positive emotions during a physical activity, and how it can aid in the long term fidelity to positive health behaviours. Simultaneously, there is an increasing amount of people in academic work environments that are falling into a sedentary lifestyle. An interactive web platform that centralises enjoyment was designed to encourage physical activity amongst employees of the University of Twente. This platform was developed through three user tests, with iterative changes made from the feedback gathered after each test. Strong visuals and media were carefully curated and used to help convey the theme of enjoyment in the platform. Evaluation of the platform through a general System Usability Scale, together with specific functionality-analysis questions can conclude that this approach is effective in encouraging users to partake in physical activity, and this platform is a profoundly promising attempt at solving the problem of increasing sedentary behaviour of employees. Health promoting interventions should step away from negative-consequential approaches, and instead be more focused on positive emotions and experiences such as enjoyment. With the help of inspiring visual elements that improve user experience and social features that connect people together, physical activity can be promoted and encouraged within the University of Twente working environment.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Subject:54 computer science, 77 psychology, 81 education, teaching
Programme:Creative Technology BSc (50447)
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