University of Twente Student Theses


RE-PLAY : Support of paediatric rehabilitation through mobile coaching and interactive playground

Everlo, Wesley Rowan (2019) RE-PLAY : Support of paediatric rehabilitation through mobile coaching and interactive playground.

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Abstract:Background: Physical activity is important for all children, including children with cerebral palsy (CP) and developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Reaching the guidelines of physical activity will result in keeping their condition stable, gaining better motor skills, and better daily functioning. By using eHealth as medium, the reach of the therapists can be expanded and the benefits of therapy improved. This study aims to produce a set of requirements needed for such an eHealth application, by eliciting needs, values and wishes of children, parents and therapists. The persuasive systems design (PSD) model will be incorporated in the requirements production, along with an objective assessment of physical activity. Methods: This study was carried out at Roessingh Research and Development and Roessingh Centre for Rehabilitation. A total of three children with DCD, three parents of these children, and four therapists treating children with CP and DCD participated. Semi-structured interviews were held to elicit the needs, values and wishes of participants. Interview data was transcribed a verbatim and coded using thematic analysis. After coding, requirements were formulated and if possible, linked to components of the PSD model. Additional PSD model requirements for children were obtained through a questionnaire. To gain insight in the physical activity behaviour of the target population, ActiGraph data of children receiving care at Roessingh Centre for Rehabilitation was analysed. Results: The personalized aspect of RE-PLAY, along with a rewarding system, clarity of task description, use of the Wat-Hoe-Doe-Check methodology and success experience were the most important requirements. Personalization, reduction, tailoring, rewards and self-monitoring were the most mentioned PSD principles by all participants (three children, three parents, three therapists). The ActiGraph study consisting of 9 children (♂/♀ = 7/2, mean age = 7,8 years, all DCD) showed that on average, children adhere to the guidelines of physical activity with an average step amount of 8763 ± 3716. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels amounted to 13.57%. Conclusion: This study showed that to adapt AIRplay to RE-PLAY, attention has to be paid to the individual child. The interface and the layout of the application should become customizable to create a personalized and tailored application linked to the interest of the individual child. At last, the application needs to provide information and feedback based on the Wat-Hoe-Doe-Check methodology. Regarding the PSD principles, AIRplay can be adapted by implementing tunnelling and simulation, as well as modifying praise, rewards and reminders. Furthermore, it can add a real-world-feel by allowing parent to communicate with each other through the application.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, Netherlands
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:44 medicine
Programme:Health Sciences MSc (66851)
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