University of Twente Student Theses


Worked examples in game-based learning for primary education.

Oostrom, L.M.H. van (2019) Worked examples in game-based learning for primary education.

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Abstract:The current study focusses on which combination of worked example (worked examples with self-explanation, worked examples with given explanation, and no worked examples) as feedback and level of prior knowledge increases learning without compromising the fun the learners are having or increasing the mental effort it takes to complete the lesson. A game with worked examples as feedback with self-explanation, given explanations, or no worked example was used. The pre- and post-test scores of the different conditions are compared with each other and with the having fun and mental effort scores. Unfortunately, no fourth grade participants volunteered to take part in the experiment and the main question had to be limited to the worked examples without the combination with the level of prior knowledge. The results showed that all three conditions performed similarly on learning gain, having fun and mental effort. Which indicates that using games without worked examples are most efficient for learning, because those use less time and smaller activities.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:81 education, teaching
Programme:Educational Science and Technology MSc (60023)
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