University of Twente Student Theses


Promoting Quality of Life Monitoring and Communication between Healthcare Professionals and Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Immunotherapy in ZGT

Groot, E.E. de (2020) Promoting Quality of Life Monitoring and Communication between Healthcare Professionals and Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Immunotherapy in ZGT.

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Abstract:In the Netherlands yearly more than thirteen thousand patients are diagnoses with lung cancer. Most cases include NSCLC. Immunotherapy provides oncologists new treatment options to improve survival of NSCLC patients. Currently, not much is known about the impact of immunotherapy on patients’ HRQoL. A PROM could provide more insight in this, but sustainable implementation of an ePROM in clinical practice is essential. This study conducted a mixed method study design including questionnaires and interviews. The PEPPI‐5 was used to analyse the perceived issue-addressing skills of patients. Thereafter, respondents indicated their preference in QoL-items which they would like to discuss during consultation. The C-SHIP and CFIR were used to create semi-structured interviews to gain more in-depth information in the indicated preferences. Six HCPs and ten patients were included. Patients indicated a strong confidence towards addressing (health)issues. There was a great variety in the importance of QoL items. HCPs saw the added value of using a PROM in clinical practice, provided that certain requirements will be met. In conclusion, encouraged by the outcomes of this study and the existing literature, it is recommended to implement an ePROM tool in the care path of NSCLC patients.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:TNW: Science and Technology
Subject:05 communication studies, 44 medicine
Programme:Health Sciences MSc (66851)
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