University of Twente Student Theses


Design and implementation of an in-vitro carotid artery flow circuit with pulsatile flow conditions

Duijndam, J.M. (2020) Design and implementation of an in-vitro carotid artery flow circuit with pulsatile flow conditions.

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Abstract:In the study an in-vitro ow circuit with pulsatile ow conditions is designed and implemented. The ow circuit will be used to examine the effect of stent placement on ow characteristics with Echo Particle Image Velocimetry (echoPIV). The design of the circuit is split in two phases. In the first phase, a simple ow circuit is designed to simulate the waveform in the carotid artery of older adults. The design includes a gear pump and a piston driven pump [ViVitro pump] that generate a pulsatile waveform, which is recorded with a mass ow meter. The mean volumetric ow profile is analysed by comparing it to the in-vivo common carotid artery (CCA) waveform. During the second phase, elements of the two-element windkessel model are added to regulate the pressure in the circuit. The arterial compliance and the peripheral resistance of the vessels are simulated with a compliance chamber and a resistance in series. The in uence of the additional elements is analysed by comparing the resulting waveform with the modeled waveform of the simple circuit. The velocity ow profile of the CCA is taken into account by estimating the Reynolds and Womersley number in the circuit. The analysis shows that the modeled waveform in the ow circuit resembles the waveform in the CCA, but the ow rate is higher due to the performance of the gear pump. Furthermore, the spread is relatively large at the early systole and early diastole because of the performance of the piston driven pump. The resulting pulse pressure in the circuit is 20 mmHg, with a systolic and diastolic pressure of 110 and 90 mmHg. The pulse pressure can be improved by changing the size of the compliance chamber. Moreover, the resistance and compliance visibly in uence the pulsatile ow profile, but the resulting waveform largely resembles the in-vivo waveform. The Reynolds and Womersley number are 500 and 4.4 respectively, so the velocity profile is laminar. To conclude, in the current ow circuit a straight-tube phantom of a carotid artery can be inserted. The elements of the designed circuit mimic the pulsatile ow conditions of the carotid artery in the body. With several adjustments, the in-vitro circuit can be used for reliable and reproducible experiments with echoPIV.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Programme:Biomedical Technology BSc (56226)
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