University of Twente Student Theses


How live stream videos affect the post-crisis evaluation of the organization : the role of channel interactivity, pre-crisis reputation and crisis severity on trust, emotions and purchase intention in a product-related crisis.

Ahmethodzic, Mirna (2020) How live stream videos affect the post-crisis evaluation of the organization : the role of channel interactivity, pre-crisis reputation and crisis severity on trust, emotions and purchase intention in a product-related crisis.

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Abstract:Aim:​ Over the past years scholars stress the importance of using rich channels to enhance the effect of the response message in crisis communication. In 2012 Vodafone and more recently in 2019 Boeing Company, used a video response in their response strategy after a crisis. The response was similar but the crisis severity and prior crisis reputation differed for both organisations. Since the rise of social media features such as live stream videos, communication researchers have yet failed to investigate the role of such channels in crisis communication. The rationale of this study is to research the effects of video and live stream videos in relation to crisis communication. In addition, the prior crisis reputation of the organisation is taken into account and the degree of crisis severity is investigated to see if and under what circumstances the effects of live stream are visible. Method: ​a 2 (channel interactivity: live stream v.s. pre-recorded) by 2 (pre-crisis reputation: negative vs. positive) and 2 (crisis severity: low vs. high) experimental model is designed. A total of 220 Dutch participants were assigned to one of the eight scenarios, who were recruited via snowball sampling. The participants were exposed to a video response of the CEO, who explained the situation. The crisis involved a food-related product called Spreadtastic, which caused allergic reactions because of wrong information on the ingredient list. The experiment was conducted and designed in an online environment. The questionnaire and manipulated stimuli were presented in a Qualtrics survey. After being exposed to one of the eight scenarios, attitude and behavioural questions were asked to evaluate the post-crisis outcome. Results: Results show that responding to a crisis with a more interactive channel is important for people's trust in the organisation after the crisis. The effects are stronger for the high severe crisis, than for the low severe crisis. ​The live stream video enhances trust in a high severe crisis, meaning that organisations should use rich communication channels when the crisis is severe. Furthermore, the study confirmed that when an organisation is caught in severe crisis, it influences people's emotions and purchase intention. Lastly, this study emphasizes and confirms the importance of having a positive pre-crisis reputation, as it lessens de post-crisis damage to the organisation. Research contribution: This study contributes to the understanding what role rich channels have with regard to post-crisis outcomes. The examination of live stream video in crisis communication is new to the field of crisis communication research. Furthermore, it confirmed previous studies on the importance of a favourable pre-crisis reputation and the impact of the crisis severity.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:05 communication studies
Programme:Communication Studies MSc (60713)
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