University of Twente Student Theses


An explorative analysis on investigative interviewing during undercover jailhouse operations

Bader, D. S. C. (2020) An explorative analysis on investigative interviewing during undercover jailhouse operations.

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Abstract:This study examined information gathering tactics used during undercover jailhouse operations. The information gathering tactics were used by police agents who posed undercover as inmates in jailcells. The undercovers attempted to gather investigative information from other inmates, without the inmates knowing they would assist the investigation. This study was a continuation of the study, Information elicitation in vivo by Oleszkiewicz, Granhag and Luke (n.d.). This first study identified 23 different tactics used by the undercover agents. The previous study got access to transcripts of 22 jailhouse interactions and coded the transcripts based on the tactics adopted by the undercover and the value of investigative information disclosure by the inmate. The present study continued this research and re-examined these coded transcripts from the previous study. The aim of the current study was to examine to which of the undercovers tactics the inmates typically responded with information valuable to the ongoing investigation. This was done by examining which tactics were consistently employed in close proximity prior to inmate disclosure of investigative value. The results showed that when undercover agents attempted to use: ‘open questions’, ‘explicit encouragements’, ‘echoing’ and ‘summarizing’, the inmate typically responded with disclosing information of marginal value to an investigation. This meant that the inmates would respond by hinting, rather than admitting, to criminal knowledge. None of tactics had inmates typically respond with admissions to criminal knowledge in their disclosures. Notably, ‘open questions’, ‘explicit encouragement’, ‘echoing’ or ‘summarizing’ matched the four principles of the OARS-framework (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries). The OARS-framework is an empirically supported tool used in traditional investigative interviewing (Miller & Rollnick, 2013 in Brimbal, Kleinman, Oleszkiewicz & Meissner, 2019). The current findings suggests that the principles of the OARS-framework also encourage information disclosure in subjects in covert contexts.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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