University of Twente Student Theses


Citizen participation in climate protection : How to get everyone on board Integration of citizens in climate protection measures of German Municipalities in Euregio

Jakobi, L.P. (2020) Citizen participation in climate protection : How to get everyone on board Integration of citizens in climate protection measures of German Municipalities in Euregio.

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Abstract:Aim – This thesis analyzes how German municipalities in the Cross-Border Region Euregio integrate citizens in their climate protection. It applies the institutional capacity and the adherence to good regional governance of municipalities to explore how they facilitate citizen participation. Method – The thesis selects five municipalities through the criteria of population size and evidence of climate protection activity. The subsequent case study analyzes strategic papers and interviews with relevant local actors. The data is utilized to understand what climate protection measures exist and how municipalities integrate citizens in them. Results – All municipalities agree on the importance of citizen participation for successful climate protection. Despite differences in their background, all have similar institutional capacities and adhere to good regional governance. Several climate protection measures dependent on citizens appear in all municipalities. Additionally, some municipalities offer notable unique measures. Conclusion – Local climate protection depends on the integration of all local actors – citizens included. The municipalities attempt this by providing information and offering an infrastructure for communication between citizens and other actors. Transparency and meeting citizens on eye-level improve the chances of success. Additionally, municipalities have a role-model function towards citizens. By taking action, they can increase the support of citizens in climate protection.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:88 social and public administration
Programme:Management Society and Technology BSc (56654)
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