University of Twente Student Theses


Design of a Digital Oversampling PLL

Westerdijk, B.P.J. (2020) Design of a Digital Oversampling PLL.

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Embargo date:31 August 2027
Abstract:In modern telecommunication systems the phase locked loop forms an integral part of the transceiver architecture. In these systems, it is used for clock recovery and frequency synthesis. For wideband-radio front-ends the PLL performance in terms of phase noise is one of the main limiting parameters. In this work a novel approach to generate a low-noise local oscillator signal using a wideband PLL architecture is presented. By using an oversampling phase-detector as a front-end, the loop bandwidth can be extended to frequencies beyond the reference frequency, allowing for a higher system performance, in terms of total local oscillator jitter to power ratio. An analysis has been performed with respect to power consumption of the proposed architecture and different implementations of this architecture have been compared with the relevant state of the art.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Programme:Electrical Engineering MSc (60353)
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