University of Twente Student Theses


Individual differences in the active user paradox : computer self-efficacy, need for cognition and affinity with technology interaction

Timmer, R. (2020) Individual differences in the active user paradox : computer self-efficacy, need for cognition and affinity with technology interaction.

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Abstract:This study investigates if the traits Need for Cognition, Affinity with Technology Interaction and Computer-Self-Efficacy can account for the tendency to resist AUP behavior. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of CSE in the AUP task was studied exploratively. 38 participants completed a computer task which was scored on AUP related measures. Participants filled out multiple questionnaires to measure NFC, ATI and CSE as well. For the explorative analyses, task success and difficulty were measured by two questionnaires. A PCA on the AUP related measures showed that only one of two extracted factors corresponded with our theoretical assumptions (exploratory behavior), while the other did not (cognitive effort). Our analyses showed that for explorative behavior, none of the traits was a significant predictor and for “cognitive effort/knowledge transfer” NFC was the only significant predictor. A moderation analysis showed that Perceived Task Success and Perceived task Difficulty moderate the relation between pre- and post-task CSE. We conclude that methodological issues might account for some of the found null results and that the results should be used for future research in the operationalization of AUP behavior before conclusions can be drawn about the relation between AUP behavior and other constructs.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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