University of Twente Student Theses


Online Operational Planning in a Multi-Provider Ambulatory Allied Healthcare Organisation : developing an online appointment scheduling support procedure employing predictive modelling of location occupancy.

Westerink, Milan (2021) Online Operational Planning in a Multi-Provider Ambulatory Allied Healthcare Organisation : developing an online appointment scheduling support procedure employing predictive modelling of location occupancy.

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Abstract:This study involves the online operational planning in a multi-Provider ambulatory allied healthcare organisation. The problem that we try to solve is a high number of new patients that is not treated within 3 weeks. The solution we propose is a novel two-stage ranking procedure. In the first stage we obtain a top-k ranking of sessions (combination of practitioner, location and date). Then, in the second stage, the solution space is small enough to enumerate and rank all appointments options in the top-k session selection. For both stages we use the multi-criteria decision analysis method TOPSIS. One of the criteria we use in this TOPSIS method is an indicator of the expected location utilization on the appointment date. We obtain this value using a binary logistic regression model.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:31 mathematics, 44 medicine, 50 technical science in general, 85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:Industrial Engineering and Management MSc (60029)
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